Ethical Code of
“Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata”


Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that is inspired by the ethical code of publication worked out by COPE, Committee on Publication Ethics, Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. (link to url


Publisher responsibilities


The Publisher must provide the Journal with adequate resources and the guidance of experts (for example, as far as legal and graphic advice are concerned); this in order to carry out his/her role in a professional way and to improve the quality of the Journal itself.


The Publisher should be in possession of a written agreement that defines his relationship with the owner of the Journal and/or with the Editor.


The terms of this agreement should follow the code of behavior for Publishers of Scientific Journals, worked out by COPE.


The relationship among the Editor in chief, the Editorial Board and the Publisher should be firmly based on the principle of the publishing independence.


Editors responsibilities


The Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board of Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata are the only ones in charge of the decision of publishing the articles submitted to the Journal. In their decisions, they have to follow the policy of the Journal.


The articles accepted will be submitted to the evaluation of one or more reviewers; however, their acceptance is subordinated to the implementation of possible modifications required and to the definitive opinion of the Editorial Board.


The Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board are in charge of evaluating the manuscripts on the basis of their scientific content, without discrimination of race, sex, gender identity, creed, ethnic origin, citizenship, or scientific, academic and political position of the Authors.


If the Editorial Board notices or receives notifications on mistakes or inaccuracies, conflict of interest or plagiarism in a published article, it will make a prompt communication to the Author and the Publisher and will undertake the necessary actions to clear up the matter; moreover, if necessary, it will withdraw the article or will publish a recantation.


Authors responsibilities


The Authors – in submitting an article to the Journal – are obliged to follow the Guidelines for Authors that can be consulted on the web site of the Journal.


The Authors are obliged to declare that their work is original in all its parts and that all the works consulted have been properly quoted. If the works and/or the words of other Authors are used, they have to be properly paraphrased or duly quoted.


The authorship of the work has to be correctly attributed; moreover, all those who gave a meaningful contribution to the conceiving, organization, accomplishment and revision of the research the article is based on, have to be indicated as Co-Authors.


All the Authors are obliged to declare unequivocally that there is no conflict of interest which could have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations suggested. Moreover, the Authors must indicate any financing agency of the research or the project the article derives from.


The manuscripts under evaluation must not be submitted to other journals for publication.

When an Author notices a mistake or an inaccuracy in his/her article, he/she must make a prompt communication to the Editors, giving them all the information required to make the due adjustments.


The protocols of the original works must be authorized in advance by the ethical committee the Authors refer to; the researches must be carried out according to ethical rules, with express reference to the Helsinki declaration.


Reviewers responsibilities


By means of the peer-review procedure, the reviewers give assistance to the Editorial Board in taking decisions on the articles submitted. They can, moreover, suggest to the Authors some adjustments or expedients aimed to improve their contribution.


If they don’t feel up to the task they are in charge of, or if they know to be unable to read the works in a timely manner, they are obliged to make a prompt communication to the Editorial Board.


Each work to be read has to be considered confidential; therefore, the works must not be discussed with third parties without the explicit authorization of the Editor in chief.


The editing must be carried out from an objective point of view. The reviewers are obliged to state grounds for their evaluation.


The reviewers should report any similarity or overlapping of the work received with other works known to therm.


Every reserved information or instruction obtained during the peer-review process must be regarded as confidential and cannot be used for other purposes. The reviewers are obliged not to accept articles for which there is a conflict of interest due to previous contributions or competition with the Author and/or with his/her institution.

La Rivista

Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata (SILTA) è rivista a carattere internazionale, pubblicata fin dal 1972 con la direzione di Luigi Heilmann e Enrico Arcaini, direttore unico dal 1987 al 2015. La rivista si pone come punto di confronto a carattere internazionale tra le impostazioni teoriche e metodologiche di analisi diverse in campo linguistico. La rivista pubblica articoli in lingua italiana e straniera (francese, inglese, tedesco, spagnolo) e intende anche delineare un importante progetto di scambio transculturale.  

SILTA è indicizzata in ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) ed è inserita come rivista scientifica di classe A nella classificazione italiana ANVUR.


Periodicità: quadrimestrale


Sandro Caruana (Malta)

Angela Ferrari (Basilea)

Anna Pompei (Roma Tre)

Comitato Scientifico

Paolo D’Angelo (Roma)

Gaetano Berruto (Torino)

Margarita Borreguero Zuloaga (Madrid)

Anna Giacalone Ramat (Pavia)

Bruno Moretti (Berna)

Antonia Rubino (Sidney)

Laura Santone (ROma)

Christoph Schwarze (Costanza)

Nadine Steinfeld (Nancy)

Massimo Vedovelli (Siena)

Comitato di Redazione

Pia Galetto

Carla Bagna


Condizioni di abbonamento:

Prezzo: Italia € 95,00 ‑ estero: € 105,00, tramite versamento sul c.c.p. n. 10370567, oppure assegno bancario intestato a Pacini Editore. Indicare la causale di versamento. L’abbonamento è annuo e si rinnova tacitamente per l’anno successivo se non viene disdetto entro il mese di novembre, con lettera raccomandata. La semplice reiezione dei fascicoli non può essere considerata disdetta. L’abbonamento comporta, agli effetti legali, elezione di domicilio in Pisa, presso l’Editore. Agli abbonati non in regola con i pagamenti, l’ultimo fascicolo di ogni anno sarà spedito contro assegno dell’importo dovuto, maggiorato delle spese di assegno. Prezzo del presente fascicolo: Italia € 45,00. Cedolino versamento


Conditions of subscription:

Annual subscription rates: Price: Italy € 95,00 ‑ Foreign countries € 105,00, payment by: post (postal account nr. 10370567) or bank cheque made out to Pacini Editore (please specify payment description). The subscription is renewed automatically if not cancelled by the month of November by registered letter. The return of an issue cannot be considered as cancellation of the subscription. For any legal matter, the choice of domicile is in Pisa c/o publisher. Price of this issue: € 45,00.